Monday, November 16, 2020

If You Want Newness in Your Life…

Image by
272447 from Pixabay

Cleaning up your physical space is a good exercise. It helps you see in 3D what things you may be attached to in a spiritual sense and that may serve you nothing. Keep what you need, donate what may serve another and get rid of the rest. Let then what is essential be tailored for its most usefulness and effectiveness.

If you want newness in your life, you must make room for what you want to come into your life. If you're going to turn a page, do it cleanly and completely. That is, when you get to what you call the new, you must not hold on to any shadow of the old. Some can more easily than others turn life stories into history, whether it is with another person in a relationship, a job, even a house, etc., but these times come when pages must be turned, when new chapters need to start, and we may not right then be fully aware of the affection we have towards things that belong to a day passed. And that is a state of delusion: the failure to fully grasp what the new reality is and to embrace it while correctly placing in the past what belongs there (not trying to "save" what must be put behind). And this can happen even when the turn is fully within our control to make. 

Without effort or much thought, we can erect monuments or allow monuments to remain standing in our lives (for a memorial) that only takes space and to which we allow easy access to come and occupy our thoughts. That is disorder. Indeed, some have moving on down to a science and it may profit them well (unless it's about escaping responsibility, for instance), but some simply don't have it naturally to let things go and move on. To the latter, I want to encourage you to love the truth and to be quick to assess and acknowledge your reality, but not only that, to not waste time living in two worlds even passively. That is, you may not be actively or consciously looking towards the past from the point where you are in your life, but you allow things from your past to come pay your mind a visit for no useful purpose anytime they please. Yes, that is disorder. 

It takes some time to clean up space, whether it is physical or emotional space. It takes some time. But it's a job that needs to be done like any other job. It requires clarity on what is not in order and a determined effort to reach that state of order and readiness of the new space in your life for new things, new people and new experiences to come in.

See also:
How To Pray


Original publication date: 2016-02-17 

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